Veterinary Equipment

As we envision our mission into the future, we need to increase capacity to provide even more access to affordable care – it’s a matter of life or death for many pets. Additional veterinary equipment is the first step.

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Access to pet veterinary care is dire and difficult these days. Veterinary supply costs have risen 40%, unwanted litters are being born left and right (due to a backlog of spay/neuter surgeries dating to the early days of the pandemic), veterinary pharmaceuticals are on persistent backorder, appointments are booking out months in advance, and more. These barriers make veterinary care nearly impossible to afford, let alone access. Many cherished family pets are going without care, leading to suffering and heartbreak. This is happening across the country, and Southern Maine is no exception. The need has never been greater, and meanwhile, the lives of thousands of pets lie in the balance. 

In 2018, AWS built an on-site Community Veterinary Clinic to offer affordable and accessible care to homeless pets and pets in our community; pets who otherwise would not receive the care they need and deserve. Our clinic sees more than 10,000 pets each year, but it isn’t enough. We are so busy we must turn patients away, refer them to other hospitals for advanced procedures and send diagnostic lab work out to be processed. These delays and extra costs can potentially be catastrophic to a pet’s care and be unaffordable for our clients. And it’s only getting worse!  We need to find efficiencies so we can do more.

As we envision our mission into the future, we need to increase capacity to provide even more access to affordable care – it’s a matter of life or death for many pets. This is where you come in.

We’ve set an ambitious goal to procure six new pieces of veterinary equipment to increase our life-saving capabilities. We ask for your help securing this equipment. Please know that ALL gifts make a huge difference and are gratefully appreciated. Naming opportunities are available for those making a substantial investment.

(Second) Electrocardiograph Machine – $1,600

Used to assess and monitor blood pressure, heart and respiratory rates and oxygenation levels, access to a second machine reduces wait times in critical cases and improves outcomes.

Bair Hugger – $1,900

Supports temperature regulation during long operations and after surgery to make recovery quicker and safer.

Slit Lamp – $2,000

Used to provide advanced ophthalmology care, speeding up diagnosis, treatment and healing.

Microscope with Camera and Monitor – $4,000

Used every day to diagnose hundreds of conditions, this advanced microscope with camera and screen allows for quicker diagnoses and serves as a collaborative training tool.

Ultrasound Transducer Probe (Small) – $12,000

Used for imaging hearts of puppies, kittens and small cats, a necessary tool for pets presenting with cardiac issues or heart murmur.

Hematology Analyzer – $15,000

Used to analyze blood samples in house, prior to invasive procedures or when a pet presents with illness, allowing for faster diagnoses of advanced conditions and providing a safer surgical experience.

As you can see, our list is substantial, and so is our commitment to the health and wellbeing of our community’s pets. We envision a community where pets and their families thrive together, and we do that by providing affordable and accessible veterinary care. Please help us make a bigger difference in our community today, at a time when it is needed most.

Progress so far


Thank you!

Make your gift today!

Thank you for supporting our mission of providing access to affordable pet veterinary care so that pets and their families can stay happy and healthy – and together.

  • Location – 46 Holland Road
    Kennebunk, ME 04043
  • Development Team (207) 985-3244 ext 200
  • Email Development Team
  • Mail – Animal Welfare Society
    PO Box 43
    West Kennebunk, ME 04094

Your gift supports pets like Bonnie

New Arrival

Despite coming to AWS grieving the loss of her former companion, she was loving and friendly with all and a model patient in our Clinic.

“Weird Eyes”

To ascertain the severity of Bonnie’s vision issues, veterinarians used the new slit lamp. She was diagnosed with blindness, but no underlying issues that would cause pain or discomfort. With her veterinary exams complete, she was ready to find a new home.

Ready for Adoption

Bonnie didn’t much time at AWS. She found her new home just a few days after she went up for adoption!

gray cat with unusual looking eyes faces towards camera. Cat was  diagnosed as blind using new veterinary equipment
three veterinarians lean over an exam table admiring new veterinary equipment

Bonnie was the very first patient to benefit from the Slit Lamp. Here you can see veterinarians taking turns using the equipment. Bonnie was a gentle and easy-going patient throughout her exam.

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