Jerry & Kygo

After we had to say goodbye to our senior kitty we knew it would be a while before we were ready to adopt again. Our toddlers were adamant that we needed to get more than one kitty.

Queue the perfect pair at the perfect time. Jerry is the perfectly laid back senior kitty and Kygo embodies every cat meme on the internet.

Jerry was certain he wanted to be with us from day one and by day 3 he had broken down every barrier keeping him and Kygo in their own space while they acclimated. He told the dog that this was his house now and he began napping from room to room as the sun moved throughout the day. Of course the dog’s spot on the couch and the playroom are his favorite spots.

Kygo has been much more reserved with the kids and dog, but is the biggest snuggle bug for adults. We got the impression she wouldn’t be much of a people cat but we were dead wrong. She wants to be picked up, sit on your lap, or lay on your chest whenever she gets the chance. She is always perched in the silliest places and is spending more and more time with the kids.

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