Mark & Cara

 Winter is a difficult time in Maine, with cold weather and short days. But imagine what it is like for someone who is unhoused, and trying to care for their pets?

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Let me tell you about Cara and Mark and their pet cats Jasper and Rascal.* About two and a half years ago, Cara and Mark moved to Maine from New York City. Cara spent summers in Maine as a child and always dreamed of making it her home. Upon arriving, they quickly found jobs and a pet-friendly apartment. The young couple and their feline family were happy, enjoying Maine’s natural beauty and slower pace of life. Until….

Until Mark was laid off. In July, his company eliminated dozens of jobs, and Mark was let go. Despite immediately applying for dozens of positions, he found a difficult and competitive job market, and the months ticked by.  With only Cara’s income, they soon fell behind on their rent. They were evicted just after Christmas. 

 Mark and Cara found themselves and their two cats living in their car. It was cold, and they couldn’t keep the car running all the time, especially when Cara was at work and Mark was at the job placement center. It was physically, mentally and emotionally draining. Mark and Cara knew their cats were suffering and deserved more.

In late January, they made the heartbreaking decision to surrender their cats to their local animal shelter, which happened to be AWS. When they called us, they were extremely relieved to learn there was another option: Stay@Home.

Through Stay@Home, Mark and Cara are using AWS’ temporary boarding services for Jasper and Rascal. Knowing their cats are safe and warm, a huge burden has been lifted from their shoulders. They now have the strength to focus their energies on finding a job and a new home, rather than being consumed by worry for their animals.

By investing in our Stay@Home program, you help couples just like Mark and Cara. You give hope to people down on their luck, and you provide safety and security to beloved family pets. With housing insecurity only getting worse, more and more local families are finding themselves in need of our services. Today, your gift to the Stay@Home program is needed more than ever.

Thank you!

*Names and details have been changed to protect our clients’ identity.

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Hi everyone! My name is Reef and my friends at AWS are letting me takeover our Facebook and Instagram stories today to tell you all about the fun ways I spend my time here!

Be sure to follow along all day to keep up with all of the fun during my Takeover Tuesday!