Camp & Tiana now Omar & Tiana

We adopted Omar and Tiana in September 2019, after we lost our dear Tuxedo cat, Vinnie (age 21 1/2) who had come with us from the UK to the US. The house seemed so empty without our furry chum, who’d we adopted when he was only one year old. Camp (now Omar) and Tiana were two of the cats who had come to AWS from South Carolina, ahead of Hurricane Dorian. It’s been interesting getting used to two youngsters after living with a very senior cat.

Tiana loves to play, and has a favorite springy wand toy. She has a special, very rich purr and is highly food motivated, sometimes even pushing Omar off his plate! She’s a real lap cat with a sweet but forceful personality. Omar is more laid back, but I think he was a puppy in a previous life as he is great for chewing things (shoe laces, chair arms etc.) He has a very quiet voice compared with his partner in crime!

We love them to bits and they certainly keep us on our toes!

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