Hello everyone! My name is Pippin the dog and it’s such a pleasure to meet you. I am a four-year-old mixed breed who happens to be looking for my new, happy home. I also happen to be looking for some fun, and I have a sneaking suspicion that the two are one in the same. Being adopted and finding a home would be the ultimate fun. In all honesty, though, it’s life’s little moments that really bring me joy. The smell of a good tree, the flick of a squirrel’s tail, a ball rolling across fresh grass. These are the moments I live for and I really wish to share them with a family of my own!
Invest in Love
Before I came to AWS, I was part of an already special family. They taught me a lot, and together we learned to appreciate the small things in life. But, things change and a lot can happen in four years. So now, I’m looking for a new special family to be a part of. What’s truly beautiful, however, is that my first family will always hold a place in my heart and I know they still care. Because of this, they have already paid my whole adoption fee in full so that whoever finds me next only has to worry about investing in my love. How wonderful is that?!
It’s moments like that that really make me appreciative of life. I may be young, but I feel like I’m old enough to understand what truly makes someone rich is appreciating life’s little moments. Someone paying for your coffee, someone paying an adoption fee, or even just someone smiling at you from the subway. These little things make all the difference and I am grateful to have been raised to know this. And I can’t wait to share these moments with you!
A Love Note
Because my previous family really wants to see me succeed, they also included with my paid adoption fee a love note. I feel like I must share this note with you because they really do know me best, and it’s always important to be transparent. That way, you can truly open up to someone and see if you’re a good fit to be their friend (or family member!) Just another little life lesson I learned!

Anyway, the note goes like this:
“Pippin has perfected the art of finding joy in life’s little moments. He stops to smell the roses on his walks, gets great joy in squeaking his ball, and enjoys chasing dragonflies at dusk. Pippin is a joyful, happy, puppy-at-heart kind of a dog. He is loyal and attentive to his people, and despite his easily distracted personality (can you say ‘SQUIRREL!’), he has learned basic manners and really wants to do well and please his people.
Pippin is an athletic dog who loves to play fetch and go on walks and hikes. He is also content to hang out on the couch and snooze while you work. He’s house trained and well mannered. Pippin gets along well with other dogs and all kinds of people when he is out and about. He is also well behaved at the vet’s office and the groomer’s!
Pippin can be anxious in new and busy settings, and will do best in a home where there aren’t many people coming and going. He would also do best in a home with no small children, as they tend to make him nervous. Pippin is the kind of dog who enjoys fun adventures out and about, but then needs a quiet, safe home space to recharge afterwards.
Please give this quirky and lovable boy a chance. He will repay you with lots of fun adventures, love, and loyalty for life!”
Adopt Pippin
Isn’t that just the sweetest note? I really feel like they’ve captured my essence! I have so much love and light and wisdom to share with my new family that I can hardly wait! I’m currently in foster care with an awesome foster dad, but it’s just not like being in a home of my own. I want to show you how wonderful it can be to stop and smell the roses, chase some seagulls at sunset, or snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie together. I want to be there with my new family to experience the holidays, count fireflies in the trees, and catch autumn leaves as they fall. It’s truly life’s little moments that matter most, but they matter even more when you experience them with someone special.
So, what do you think? Can you image a life together with me? I bet we’d make an awesome match! If so, please call my friends here at AWS at (207) 985-3244 and ask for me, Pippin. They’ll set up an appointment with my foster to come and meet you. I literally can’t wait to say hello!