FREE Microchip + Rabies Vaccine Clinic
Saturday November 2, 2024 • 9 am - Noon


We adopted Baloo on August 11th 2018. Things were challenging at first and we had a lot to learn. We found an amazing trainer and Baloo is doing great. He never used to like when people would come over and now he loves our parents, friends and of course his trainer. He is so smart and challenges us every day. It’s why we love him! What other dog can open doors, car windows, turn a tv on and off and will talk to you? Baloo is out world and we are so lucky to have him in our lives!!!

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We love when our alums stay in our orbit 💫 Jordy was a star student in our most recent @awscaninetraining class, seen here in all his proud graduation glory! Way to go Jordy!

#happyhomes #AWSalum #poodlesofinstagram #basictraining
What do you think are the three keys to Piper's heart? We'll give you a hint - the first one is treats, no surprise there. However, the other two might surprise you! Drop you guesses in the comments and then visit our latest blog post to find out!
These amazing youngsters recently held a very successful apple cider stand to raise funds for AWS. We are honored by their generosity and inspired by their enterprising spirit! What a wonderful way to celebrate fall! 🧡
The third week of October (this week!) is National Veterinarian Technician Week. Started by the American Veterinary Medical Association in 1993, the week commemorates the vital and professional role veterinary technicians play in diagnosing, treating and caring for animals. 

We’ve asked our Licensed Veterinary Technicians (LVT) to share with us what is the best part of the job and what is something that public might not know about their work. Today we meet Dottie!

Dottie has 25 years of experience in veterinary medicine and joined AWS part-time earlier this year.
“My favorite two things about being a licensed veterinary technician are trying to make each pet’s vet visit as stress free as possible and in the operating room, monitoring anesthesia. One thing the public might not know about this career is that we do a lot of math! From dispensing medication to monitoring anesthesia, like I mentioned before, math is a regular part of our job!”