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Statewide Resources

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Home | Helpful Resources | Statewide Resources

Part of our mission is to provide access to resources necessary for long term well-being, so pets and their families stay together and thrive. We’ve compiled a list of statewide resources that support animals of all kinds. Some of these resources may assist you and your pet stay happy and healthy together while others offer assistance to animals AWS doesn’t care for – like marine mammals, wildlife and horses. Please note that AWS is unaffiliated with the organizations listed on this page.

Area Shelters & Humane Societies

Concerned about a Pet?

If you are concerned about the health or welfare of an owned animal in your community, contact the Animal Welfare Program in Augusta at (207) 287-3846 or toll-free 1-877-269-9200. You can also email them or visit their website.

Complaints received via email must contain the reporting party’s name and phone number, the name of the animal owner (if known), a physical address, a description of the animals and the type of complaint. You may also wish to contact your local police department’s animal control officer.

Equine, Wildlife & Marine Resources

AWS is not equipped to handle horses or care for wild animals. Fortunately, Maine has several statewide resources that do care for these types of animals. If you find injured wildlife, see a sick seal or know of a horse in need, contact these Maine organizations directly.


The Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals (MSSPA) can provide temporary assistance for Maine horses and their owners including feed, farrier or dental services, and veterinary care.
Learn More MSSPA

Animal Control Officers

Animal Control

Animal Control Officers (ACOs) are trained professionals employed by a local municipality (usually the police department) to handle all calls related to stray, homeless or lost pets. They are trained […]
Learn More Animal Control

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