The Color Green

The color green is considered a positive color that comes with many benefits. Green is said to have calming effects that can relax nervous systems and ease tired eyes. Green is also associated with nature and the natural world, making people feel connected when their around greenery. It has also been proven to spark creativity and improve mental health. That’s why things marked as green mean ‘good to go.’ Just think of a stoplight! Overall, green is a magical color that we think is one of the best. But hey, we’re biased!

Hi, there! We’re ‘The Greens,‘ a family of parakeets who are all looking for their happy homes. We first came to AWS as a group of fourteen, but are now down to only five. We’re hoping to be adopted together, or in groups of three and two. You see, parakeets like us need a friend and don’t like to live alone. That’s why we call ourselves a family unit. Plus, every one of us just happens to be green!

Get to know The Greens

So, what is there to say about our little family? For starters, we’re all lovely little birds who like to sing, dance, bop about, and play with our many toys. Parakeets tend to be lively and fun loving and, if we do say so ourselves, smart! We all love interacting with each other and our people. Because we’re used to living in groups, we tend to bond quickly with those who spend time with us. If you like to play music, sing, dance around, and consider yourself a free spirit, we’ll get along just fine!

Also, no offense to Kermit the Frog, but it actually IS easy being green! As stated above, green is a beautiful color that comes in many shades and is quite relaxin to look at. We should know! Every one in our family is green with different patterns and markings. We’re very calming to be around and our beautiful feathers will soothe your eyes. Along with our singing and gentle chirping sounds, our whole presence will transport you to a tropical rainforest and connect you with the sounds of nature. That’s why the color green is the best!


But listen, it’s not just our color that makes us wonderful pets for adoption. We attach to our humans, can learn tricks, are relatively clean and easy to care for, and we’re smart as a whip. There are so many reasons to adopt parakeets! And we get it; five can be a lot! That’s why we’re perfectly comfortable getting adopted in a group of either three or two. Or, if you want, we’re happy to meet any birds you may have at home. We’d love to expand our family! (Even if your bird isn’t green.) We’ve been waiting at AWS for quite some time now, and we think we’re ready to finally find our happy homes.

If you’re ready to add a little music to your life, want a new faithful friend and companion, and think the color green is just the best, consider adopting one or all of us today. We’re ready to bring so much love and light into your life, as well as a plash of color into your home. Give our friends here a call at (207) 985-3244, or stop by the AWS Adoption Center today!