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Phone connectivity continues to be an off-and-on issue. If you are unable to get through, or if a call drops, please use our website contact form. Thank you!

Woofstock Sponsors

As a business sponsor, your company can be a part of Southern Maine’s only family-friendly, dog-friendly food & beer festival!

Welcome to Woofstock!

Now in its sixth year, Woofstock is Southern Maine’s premier family-friendly, dog-friendly food and beer festival, held at Animal Welfare Society in Kennebunk. The festival draws 3,000+ pet lovers and families for an afternoon of live music, food trucks, local craft brews, kids activities, dog agility, crafters & makers and lots of doggone fun. Visitors come from all over the region and from right in our own neighborhood for this one-of-a-kind event. 

While serving as the safety net for lost and homeless pets, AWS also provides a comprehensive suite of community resources designed to help keep pets and their people together, especially in times of hardship. One of these resources is access to affordable veterinary care through our Community Veterinary Clinic. All sponsorship funds (and all donations raised at Woofstock) directly support the health and wellbeing of both resident (shelter) pets and pets of local community members who utilize our Clinic.

Transportation Sponsor

New this year!

To alleviate the recurring issue of limited parking at Woofstock, this year we have retained shuttle buses to transport Festival goers (and their dogs) from local parking lots to Woofstock, on AWS’ property.

This sponsorship includes the following exclusive perks:

  • Your business is the only transportation sponsor
  • Your logo on signage on BOTH buses
  • Your logo on signage at each bus stop
  • Your branded tent at the drop off point at the Festival. This tent also serves as the highly-trafficked Woofstock Information Booth
  • Your business is regularly mentioned and logo used in digital and print media specifically in relation to transportation to/from the Festival
This sponsorship is valued at $8,000.

Zone Sponsorships

We’re excited to work with you to discuss ways we can leverage your business’ brand at the event, as part of these specialized sponsorship opportunities. All zone sponsorships receive logo, name and link on event website. Zone sponsors have their logo on the event flyer, sent to 10,000+ local families in June. Finally, we highlight your sponsorship commitment in press releases and other communications. We encourage all sponsors to have a 10 x 10 booth* at the event to interact with attendees, showcase products and services and provide branded giveaways. Zone sponsorships are $3,500.

Dining Tents

As the Dining sponsor, your business is seen by all who partake of Woofstock’s many food trucks. The dining tables are almost always filled to near capacity. At each dining tent, you can prominently display banners/signage*. Additionally, we will place your promotional materials and/or giveaways* at each table.

Beer Garden

As the only sponsor of the Beer Garden, your business gets prime placement from which to offer pours to guests. Additionally, your tent or banner* serves as the entrance and leads the way into the Beer Garden. You also have the opportunity to place promotional materials* on the beer garden’s hi-top tables.

Kids Zone

With a bounce house and water slide, the Kids Zone is always busy. You’ll have the opportunity to have a tent and/or banner* in the kids’ area to showcase your company’s products and services to the many parents who wait while their children play. We encourage you to bring additional games/activities for children.

Music Stage

As the sole Stage sponsor, your business stands out with banner or signage* on or behind the stage itself and/or at the entrance to the music tent. Furthermore, you’ll receive shout outs from the musicians throughout the day.

Agility Zone

This zone is located in our air conditioned Training Classroom, with plenty of traffic (human + pooch) throughout the event. Your banners/signage* are placed inside and outside the Classroom.

More Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer a variety of additional business sponsorship levels and benefits to meet your budget. Sponsors receive great perks including:

  • Mention on event website, with a link back to your website
  • Mention in select marketing pieces
  • Mention in press release sent to media outlets in Southern Maine and Seacoast New Hampshire
  • Opportunity to have a 10 x 10 booth* to interact with attendees, showcase products and services and provide branded giveaways

Additional perks vary by sponsorship type.

Dog Chill Station Sponsorship: $1,500
(Only 3 available)

Enjoy prime placement in one of the three dog chill stations. These stations, located in shady area, have seating areas, kiddy pools and water for dogs (and their people) to cool down. Great chance for businesses to mingle and chat with attendees as they rest. Dog-themed giveaways encouraged!

Dapper Dog Sponsorship: $1,000
(Multiple available)

Show your pride for mutts everywhere! Your business logo will appear on the website and on select marketing pieces. If you love dogs, this sponsorship is just the one for you!

Cool Cat Sponsorship: $500
(Multiple available)

Cat lovers – this is for you! Your business name will appear on the website and on select marketing pieces. Show your love for all things feline with a cool cat sponsorship!

*All sponsors must provide their own branded tents, signage, promotional materials and banners.

My business would like to sponsor Woofstock!

Please fill out this form to secure your business’ Woofstock sponsorship. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact our Woofstock Planning Committee via email or at (207) 985-3244 ext. 130.

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