Elmer now Elmo

“Good morning! I just wanted to send you a few pictures that my human mumma took. Since I’ve been here, Mumma has brushed me and wow, do I love that time of day – right after my breakfast! Every Day!! She also takes me to the Playpen every day! I get to run and pee on everything! There’s a lot to pee on! (I sometimes pee twice on things) My new human Grammy can’t seem to remember my name, so she calls me Elmo. Yah, I know Elmo is red… but Mumma has been calling me Elmo now, too. I love my human Grammy and Grampy (even though Grampy tells me I’m a good girl.)

I also met my human brother! He’s a lot of fun!! Something great about him is that he likes to play tug games like I do!! I love him already! And Mumma! She and I wear matching bananas all the time. We look like twins!! I feel very handsome wearing one! Well, that’s for all now! Mumma and I are going to the beach today! I can’t wait!”

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