FREE Microchip + Rabies Vaccine Clinic for dogs and cats
Saturday, March 22 @ 9 am - Noon

The Name Game

Think about how we, as humans, respond to our own names. Imagine you’re at a crowded party when you hear someone excitedly call your name. You turn your head, expecting something good or interesting. Now think about the opposite scenario of someone calling your name, but when you respond, they ignore you or it’s about something unpleasant. Eventually, you’d probably start tuning them out. Dogs learn the same way!

The Name Game is a simple and effective way to teach your dog that hearing their name means something great is about to happen. This game is especially helpful for people who may have recently adopted a new dog or puppy, as they may be adjusting to a new name.

How to Teach the Name Game

Step 1: Find a Low-Distraction Area

Begin inside your home, somewhere quiet like the kitchen or living room, where your dog isn’t too distracted.

Step 2: Say Their Name Once

In a clear, happy voice, say your dog’s name one time (avoid repeating it).

Step 3: Reward Immediately

As soon as your dog turns to look at you, offer a reward such as a treat, favorite toy, or praise. If they don’t look, do not immediately repeat it. Wait a moment and maybe move to a location where they are not so distracted.


Some dogs need a little extra motivation, so here are some ideas to add even more excitement to the game.

Run Away – Say their name and then run in the opposite direction. Most dogs love to chase. When they reach you, reward them!

Silly Sounds – Make an interesting noise (chirping, raspberries, or anything playful). When your dog looks at you, immediately call to them and reward them.

Play Tag – Lightly touch your dog’s shoulder, say their name when they turn to look, then run and hide. Reward them when they find you!

The Key to Success

Be consistent! Play this game regularly and in different environments, while gradually adding distractions. Remember to always reward your dog when they respond, so they learn their name is worth paying attention to. Over time, your dog should start to immediately perk up and turn to you when you call to them.