Training Tips & Tricks

Looking for canine training advice? You’ve come to the right place! The AWS Training Team has made a series of videos and blog posts about a variety of training topics. Learn tips to train your dog at home, get ideas on curbing unwanted behaviors, and watch videos on fun “party tricks” you and your dog can use to impress all your friends!

A small dog jumps through a Christmas wreathe hoop during training class.

What are Reindeer Games?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! We love the holiday season for it’s festivities, fun, and good feelings, but there’s another reason as well. We’re talking, of course, about AWS’ annual Reindeer Games! These holiday-themed training classes are…

A puppy puts their paws on the counter with their tongue out.

How to Control Counter Surfing

We’ve all been there; you’re right in the middle of cooking and you turn your back for just a moment and suddenly, your half-baked, tasty treat is gone! You glance down and see that Fido has nabbed your masterpiece right…

Shelter Dog Learning

Whether they are ready for adoption or still working on their manners, we make sure that the eligible canines in our care (shelter dogs) get the proper exercise and stimulation by working their body and brain. They are regular visitors…

brown dog in blue harness sits in car

Hiking With Dogs

When’s the best time to go hiking with dogs? How about now! The weather is cooling down and there’s a crispness in the air. Say goodbye to muggy heat and mosquitos and hello to more opportunities for hiking with your…

fluffy red puppy wears a gentle leader during training lesson

Gentle Leader

If you’re a pet parent, odds are you’ve probably heard the term ‘gentle leader’ before. But what exactly is this training tool? How does it differ from other dog leashes or harnesses? Simply put, a gentle leader is an inexpensive…

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Have you ever wanted to volunteer with animals? If so, you've come to the right place! The staff and pets at Animal Welfare Society would love your daily help cleaning and sanitizing our animal spaces. Please take a look online under Volunteer Opportunities to see our current needs and if there is a day and time that works with your schedule. We'd love to have you on board, and so would our pets! ❤️