Pet Facts & Fun

A black and white Husky stands in the cold snow with its tongue out.

Keeping Your Pets Safe in Cold Temps

There may not be much snow on the ground currently, but the extremely cold temperatures can still have an impact on your pets! Exposure to these extreme temperatures, dry air, sleet, snow and much more can all have negative effects…

Three mice peak out of their enclosure together

Why Mice Make Great Pets

Mice may not commonly be thought of as pets, but they make great ones! They offer an easy pet care experience and could be the perfect addition to your family. We currently have mice waiting to find their new homes!…

Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween is this Thursday, October 31. It’s going to be a beautiful day and evening for trick-or-treaters. Keep your dogs, cats and small animals safe and out of harm’s way, while also enjoying the festivities with these Halloween pet safety…

kitten sleeps stretched out in woman's arms

The Power of Pets

As World Mental Health week draws to a close, we highlight the power of pets the many reasons why pets are good for our mental wellbeing. It’s no secret that owning a pet brings happiness, comfort, and companionship to our…

Close up of two parakeets kissing

5 Fun Facts About Parakeets

Parakeets, also known as budgies, are one of the most popular pet bird species in the world. They’re known for their bright, cheerful colors as well as their small, handleable size. These lively little creatures are more than what they…

It’s Guinea Pigs Galore!

It’s guinea pigs galore here at AWS! With 10 pigs up for adoption and more incoming soon, it’s a pig party every day. But what makes our cavie companions so special? Dogs are known for their loyalty, and cats for…

Close up of a puppy's face wearing an American flag bandana

Firework Pet Safety Tips

Independence Day can be a scary and often dangerous time for animals. Many of our pets fear the sight and sound of fireworks, as well as large gatherings and celebrations. What’s very much an exciting time for us can often…

A dog lays in a swimming pool smiling

Keep Pets Safe in High Heat

Summer is here in full swing and here in Maine, we’re experiencing a heat wave! Temperatures are estimated to climb to the mid 90s with high humidity and lots of haze. Temperatures this high can be hazardous for humans and…

Rabbit Litter Box Training

Have you ever wondered how to potty train a rabbit? Did you even know rabbits could be litter box trained? If this is news to you, we’re here to share all the details! Every rabbit who comes into our facility…

Why NOW is the Perfect Time to Adopt a Dog

Perhaps you’ve considered adding a new canine companion to your family, but haven’t quite decided if it’s a good time yet. Maybe you’ve been wanting a dog but the winter blues have had you feeling down and out. We totally…

Solar Eclipse Pet Safety

Happy Solar Eclipse day! In case you didn’t hear, a total solar eclipse is taking place today, April 8, at around 3:30pm in our neck of the woods here in Maine. While this natural phenomenon is certainly something us humans…

Close up of a brown dog wearing a bowtie chewing on a soft treat.

Pet Dental Health Facts

All February long, we have been celebrating National Pet Dental Health month by sharing helpful health facts. Many pet parents don’t know about the dangers that can lurk inside their furry friend’s mouth, so it’s important to spread awareness to…

Fun Facts About Rabbits

February is National Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month! Therefore, we like to celebrate these unique and lovable lagomorphs by sharing a few fun facts about rabbits that may leave you surprised! After all, there are no other animals on Earth…

Senior Pets Rule

November is National Adopt a Senior Pet Month, so we’re here to tell you that senior pets rule! Learn why older animals make some of the best companions! 1. They already know the ropes! Senior pets usually come from homes where they’ve…

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