It’s guinea pigs galore here at AWS! With 10 pigs up for adoption and more incoming soon, it’s a pig party every day. But what makes our cavie companions so special? Dogs are known for their loyalty, and cats for their companionship. But not many know of how fun, loving, and cuddly a guinea pig can be. So, to celebrate our many cute cavies and to help these furry friends get adopted, we’re here to shed some light on why guinea pigs make the perfect pets!
They’re cuddly.
Guinea pigs are natural herd animals, and therefore are known to form strong bonds within their social circle. Once you earn a guinea pig’s trust, they will show their affection by cuddling with you. When they’re completely content, a guinea pig will even purr!
They’re gentle.
Guinea pigs are known for being gentle and calm animals. While they do have a silly side, they’re generally tame, calm, and quiet. Because of this, they’re wonderful at being held and handled and will often seek out attention!
They love to interact.
Dogs and cats are not the only pets who love to play with their people. Guinea pigs are curious and silly and love when their humans let them out to play. Cavies interact with you by rolling balls, throwing toys around, and running through tunnels and obstacles you set up for them. And, as mentioned above, when they’re tired after playing, they like to snuggle up!

They’re easy to care for.
While every pet requires time, attention, and care, guinea pigs are known for being relatively easy to own. They like larger enclosures with space to roam free, but are usually healthy and hardy animals. They also require bedding, hay, grain, and vegetables, as well as toys, tunnels, and huts. Once they’re all set up and ready to go, however, guinea pigs mostly just require your love and attention!
They’re long-lived.
We know how hard it is to say goodbye to a pet, which is why guinea pigs are a great choice. Compared to other rodents, cavies can live up to eight years or longer, and are generally healthy. When you choose to adopt a pig, you choose many years of love and companionship!
They’re truly unique.
Guinea pigs come in many shapes, sizes, and colors, and each pig has their own personality and preferences. Some pigs have long, silky hair while others have short, coarse hair. Some pigs are all black while others can be calico or brindle. There are even guinea pigs who are born naturally bald! And like all animals, pigs have different personalities. Some are more shy and introverted, while others are more outgoing and energetic. No matter what, though, you can bet your cavie will be a loyal and loving companion!
Interested in Adopting?
We have many loving and cute cavies currently up for adoption. Help us celebrate our guinea pigs galore by adopting a pig or two into your heart and home. We know they will be beyond happy to form their special family bonds with you!