Hello! My name is Aurora and I’m a happy-go-lucky girl who is so excited to be featured on this blog! February is such a busy month right now at AWS being Pet Dental Health Month, and Adopt a Rabbit Month, as well as Valentine’s Day coming up. There is just so much to love!
First, a little about myself. I am a very loyal and loving girl who is a real adventure hound and thrives best outdoors on a hike or playing with my people. I never knew I could type on a keyboard before but here I am, learning something new! Good thing I’m one smart cookie who already knows ‘sit’ and ‘shake’ and ‘lie down.’ I don’t mean to brag, but I just love letting people know how brainy I am! Overall, however, I would say I’m a just big goofball who is more than ready to find my happy family. There might be a lot going on right now at the shelter, but there’s always time to promote the awesome pets like me who still need homes!
Aurora’s Events
Speaking of which, with so much to love and learn and be involved in, I think I will take it upon myself to list some of the awesome stuff that I’ve seen unfold so far! For example:

- This month is Pet Dental Health Month and AWS is celebrating by giving away goodie bags filled with all kinds of dental related items to those who have or call to make a dental appointment in February. My teeth happen to be super clean, but I know I would still love something like this for me! I mean, toothies are important!
- February is also Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month and while I don’t think I’ve ever personally met a rabbit before, I know we have so many amazing bunnies here at AWS who need homes just like me. Since rabbits are the third most common pet found at shelters, I think it’s important to use my voice and platform to say let’s get these bunnies a home!
- And finally, February is also the month of Valentine’s Day! I adore this holiday because it’s all about love and (as I’ve said before) there’s so much to love! Valentine’s Day also happens to be the one-year anniversary of when AWS started doing Doggy Dates! I’ve been on a few dog dates myself and let me tell you, it’s quite a treat! I get to get outside to new places, meet new people, and eat new food. It’s so much fun! Help AWS celebrate by taking me (or another dog) out on a date!
Adopt Aurora
Well, that’s pretty much it I suppose. With so much going on, I can sometimes get swept up in the excitement. However, I never stop dreaming about when my perfect people will come and find me and take me home. I am such a loving and sweet girl and I know I would make my new family so proud. And since February is the month of love, I feel like it’s finally my time to find true love and make it home. I can feel it all the way from the tip of my tail to the end of my wet, wiggly nose!