
Dog Care 101

Whether a first time adopter or a seasoned dog lover looking for a few new tips, this short and comprehensive guide provides details on housetraining, crate training and how to keep your dog engage and enriched.

Cat Care 101

This short yet comprehensive guide goes over the basics from litter box cleaning, nail trims to proper play and nutrition. It is great for those who have just adopted a cat or and those who would like a refresher.

Canine Diabetes

When a dog can no longer produce or utilize the essential hormone insulin, blood sugars rise and a diagnosis of diabetes follows. Just like in humans, treatments include regular glucose monitoring, a healthy diet, exercise and often insulin injections.

Feline Diabetes

Like humans, cats can suffer from diabetes, a chronic disease where the body doesn’t produce or can’t effectively utilize insulin, an essential hormone. Diabetic cats need regular glucose monitoring (which can be done at the veterinarian’s office or at home), a healthy diet, and often injected insulin.

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)

FIV is a viral disease affecting 1.5-3% of cats in the US. It is slow-acting, but can eventually compromise a cat's immune system. With regular health check-ups, a balanced, healthy diet and safe home environment, FIV+ cats can live long, happy lives.

Feline Leukemia (FeLV)

Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) is a retrovirus that invades a cat’s cells and causes them to have a weaker immune system and more susceptible to illness or infections. While it cannot be cured, it can be managed, and it’s important to know that cats infected with FeLV can still live long, happy and fulfilling lives.

Feline Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism occurs when the body’s thyroid gland enlarges and produces too much thyroid hormone. It more commonly affects older cats. If left untreated, hyperthyroidism can lead to heart and kidney problems. With vigilant veterinary care and proper treatment, a cat with hyperthyroidism can lead a normal healthy life.

Dogs & Babies

Introducing a dog to a baby can be a difficult task when you are already tired and emotionally drained. The key is preparation. You need to decide well ahead of time how your dog’s routines will change—one of the biggest concerns will be who will be in charge of what tasks, including exercise. Babies and dogs can and do live in harmony, but it takes some training.

Dog to Dog Introductions

Many dogs enjoy having a canine friend at home. However, bringing a new dog into your home to meet your resident dogs can be a tense time. Use the following guide for initial introductions to your dogs, and any new friends’ and family members’ dogs your dogs will be spending time with.

Cat to Cat Introductions

Many cats enjoy the companionship of fellow felines. However, bringing home a new cat will mean a small period of adjustment for your new kitty and any current cat residents. A proper introduction can help start off the relationship on the right track. Keep in mind that all cats are individuals, and some will adjust faster than others.

Your Dog’s Teen Years

A dog's adolescence (also known as the teen years) lasts from about 6 months to about 2 years. It is a period of significant growth and development. Learn how to best support your dog through this life stage.

Trupanion Pet Insurance

AWS Community Veterinary Clinic accepts Trupanion and offers a free 30 day trial for all wellness clients. Visit Trupanion's website for more information.


The Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals (MSSPA) can provide temporary assistance for Maine horses and their owners including feed, farrier or dental services, and veterinary care.

Animal Control

Animal Control Officers (ACOs) are trained professionals employed by a local municipality (usually the police department) to handle all calls related to stray, homeless or lost pets. They are trained to handle stray and homeless animals safely and transport them…

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