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Close up of a brown dog wearing a bowtie chewing on a soft treat.

Pet Dental Health Facts

All February long, we have been celebrating National Pet Dental Health month by sharing helpful health facts. Many pet parents don’t know about the dangers that can lurk inside their furry friend’s mouth, so it’s important to spread awareness to…

High-school students in IDEXX lab coats learn from a lab specialist.

AWS’ Animal Care Intensive (ACI)

AWS’ Youth Programs is pleased to announce that the application for AWS’ Animal Care Intensive (ACI) is now open! What is ACI? ACI is a five-day series of workshops for high-school students who have a serious and deep drive to…

A brown and white dog looks grateful - smiles with their eyes closed and tongue out.

A Grateful Daisy

Hi there! My name is Daisy and I’m a 5-year-old pup who has been looking for my happy new home here at AWS. My life’s been a journey but I’m so grateful to be where I am today so I…

Animal Shelter Appreciation Week 2023

Happy Animal Shelter Appreciation Week 2023! Each year during the first full week of November, The Humane Society of the United States (The HSUS) celebrates National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week. This is a way to honor animal shelters and the…

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