January is Train Your Dog month, and we’re here for you and your dog!

Advance Your Dog’s Training!

A small dog stands on an agility ball during advanced dog training class.

Your dog knows basic cues like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘come’, and ‘down.’ They walk well on a leash and know how to alert you when they need to go outside. They can focus well and look to you for direction and support. All these skills are important and necessary behaviors for the well-trained dog, but did you know that there is so much more to learn?! Advance your dog’s training with Intermediate Classes!

What are Intermediate Classes all About?

Intermediate classes are about reinforcing already learned skills and behaviors, as well as teaching something new and more complex! Beginner Classes are a great place to start to teach your pup basic life skills and cues. It’s like canine training 101! This, however, is only the first step and sets the foundation to all future learning. If you’re looking to advance onto the next step of your dog’s training journey, intermediate classes are the way to go!

Here at AWS, our Intermediate Classes focus on introducing your dog to new and more complex concepts. If your dog can walk well on leash, what happens when we add distractions and obstacles? Your dog may listen well, but what if you want them to track something or retrieve something? If your pup is still itching to learn, perhaps a few hours of agility will help them even more! We can even teach an old dog new tricks! Classes include all these elements and use your dog’s natural instincts in a fun and productive way.

A dog jumps through a hoop outside during advance dog training class.

How Do I Begin?

If your dog has already graduated a beginner training class, either here or somewhere else, you can continue your training journey with AWS! Right now, we are offering Intermediate Classes of Agility & Obstacle Games, as well as Scent Work Levels 1 & 2. Not sure which class would suite your dog best? We also have an Intermediate Class Sampler where you and your pup can dip your toes into a little of everything!

We like to keep our classes small and intimate to ensure that every family has the best learning experience. As such, classes fill up quickly so make sure to enroll your dog today to grab a spot. We can’t wait to show you what your furry friend can do!